Entries by Renee

Does God Love the Righteous or the Riotous?

Self righteousness comes easy to the human heart. The Pharisees often reveal a picture of our own selves if we are honest. These are unprecedented times pressing on us in ways that expose what hides in the human heart. Images of rioters anger the righteous, but each person thinks he is right.

What is God’s heart on this matter? Obviously He is a just God, which creates in many of us a greater sense of righteousness when we see riotousness on display.

God gave me two words recently: riotous and righteousness. I wrote them in my journal knowing He would reveal in His timing what He wanted me to see. He gave me these words weeks ago. Yet, today when I read Matthew 9, He spoke to me through His Word and reminded me of the two words He’d given me a short time ago.

Join me for today’s full post.

What lies do we believe?

If we hear a lie enough, we begin to believe it. The lies we believe shape how we live and what choices we make. Often we never realize thoughts we hold are actually lies planted in our heart years ago.

As I read a familiar passage of scripture, I noticed one word that caused me to take a much closer look. That one word “then” revealed how once we choose to consider a lie, we begin to see our circumstances differently than God desires. That is right where the enemy wants us.

But good news. God shows us the path away from deception. So, let’s consider what lies we may be harboring which we’ve believed to be true. Join me for today’s devotion.

A Book List of 100 Books Across Several Genres

About once a year I write a post listing the books I’ve read since the last book post. If you are new here, today’s post is not the normal post, so don’t leave if you aren’t a book lover. For those of you who love to read, you don’t want to miss this list. I know most bloggers will list their top 10, but I simply couldn’t do that. I read 103 books this year and there is no way I could leave any out. This post is long but I feel the list is worth it. It was an incredible year of reading. I don’t plan to read 100 books this year, but I sure am grateful for the growth I’ve experienced from the books that have shaped me.

I shared more in depth thoughts, reviews and quotes through the year on social media as I finished the books. This year I plan to be more active on Goodreads sharing reviews, so I invite you to follow me there.

Trusting God with a perfectly failed plan

Of all this year challenged me with, the one that stands out most is the thought of how much I actually trust God. When circumstances make zero sense or simply don’t follow the plan I hoped for, how quick am I to reach toward frustration? This year exposed the impatience which dwells in me. The […]

Goals + Reading Goals + 100 Books That Changed Me

Have you ever worked towards a goal only to reach it and find yourself shocked you actually did it? That is me right now. Audacious Goals I set a goal at the end of 2019 to read one hundred books in 2020. The most I’ve ever read in a year is thirty books. Why did […]

Think carefully about your ways

Imagine hearing these words and phrases from God. Think carefully about your ways. I am with you. Be strong. Work – For I am with you. Reflect back. Consider carefully. Consider it carefully. Would it give you pause? God speaks in His Word. I love the method Anne Graham Lotz teaches for studying God’s Word […]

When you are tired of waiting, wait for it……

Lord, how long? If we are honest with ourselves, we’ve all asked this question. Lord, I’ve been praying about this situation for years. How long must I wait to see an answer?  Lord, our world feels it is spinning out of control. How long must we wait to see your response to our moans? Lord, […]