Entries by Renee

When God is Getting Your Attention

Do you at times wish God would just speak audibly? I think He actually speaks quite clearly to us, but at times we miss His words because we are so distracted or surrounded by such noise and activity.
God spoke to me and His words startled me. He has my attention now. Join me for today’s post where I share a story about how God spoke.

Don’t Miss the Miracle Because It Looks So Familiar

I have a tendency to fall into a trap of believing that because something turned out one way before it’ll be that way every time.

How many times have I faced situations that seem to come at me in cycles? A relationship conflict, a misunderstanding, a problem that seems void of solutions. How often do I face these with the same expectations each time assuming because it turned out one way in the past, it’s destined to turn out the same way again?

How quickly do I allow discouragement to lead my thoughts rather than hope? How often do I give fear the freedom to speak when I should allow trust to do the silencing on my behalf?

Join me today where I share a story of how God led me to believe through the lens of hope in an everyday situation.

That time God said yes to our impossible prayer request

If you’ve been following along, you know I’ve been sharing a little more of my own journey that began before I started writing on this blog. To read these posts begin here with: About that whole never say never thing We need to share our stories How to overcome overwhelm, achieve our goals, and celebrate […]

We need to share our stories

Oh goodness. I’m sharing stories with you I’ve never shared before. I think you need to hear them. In fact I think we all need to share more stories with each other. Let our guards down. We are fully known and loved by our Creator. That is all we need to walk confidently in this life. Join me for today’s post.

About that whole never say never thing

Have you ever said there is something you will never do only to find yourself doing that exact thing at some point in your life?

These nevers sometimes are spoken only inside the quiet of our own hearts. Yet, the Lord hears them.

I wonder if it’s His kindness towards us that draws us to face the nevers we proclaim with such staunch boldness.

I wonder if the nevers I proclaim are sometimes the voice of my own fear? My pride? My will? My way? My desires and likes.

I forget He is so good. When He stands me face to face with my spoken or heart-muttered “I’ll never”, it’s because He is good beyond my wildest ponderings.

Let me share some of my nevers with you. I trust as I share my stories with you, you will find your own stories tucked inside.

5 Ways To Invest In Yourself & Why You Are Worth It

We are tempted to focus so much on sacrificing our lives for the sake of others that we actually neglect ourselves. We fall in bed exhausted, run ourselves ragged straight into the doctor’s office, or simply feel we have no time, energy, or money left after we’ve given to everyone else.

I’ve discovered that investing in myself is actually not selfish like I once believed. It is life-giving to me and to everyone I do life with.

There are 5 key ways I’m finding help me invest well in myself so I can offer the best of me to the world around me.

Before I share 5 ways to invest in you, I may need to remind you why you are worth it.

Join me for the rest of today’s post!