Entries by Renee

The Storm is Coming- Are You Prepared?

I woke up this morning with one word the Lord gave me. Renew. Sometimes God’s voice is my alarm clock. There are mornings that I have audibly heard my name called out. I look around, and no one is there. I rise and meet with the Lord. At this point, you are like, “She’s creepy, […]

When my child takes my joy

It’s a struggle for me in how much to share about my children. Not because I want to paint a perfect picture, but because I want to be sensitive to their privacy. The problem is that I’m an open book, totally transparent type of person. So is my husband. We just aren’t private people. We all […]

Give the gift they don’t know to ask for

I unzipped his backpack to begin the process of tossing out papers, stacking up papers, and looking at homework for the week when I found a gift bag in his backpack. “Andrew, what is this?” He tossed his tennis racket on the driveway and raced towards me. “Oh, mommy, it’s from Mrs. Furrow. Read it […]

Are We Striving for the Favor of Man or God

“Oh, he would LOVE this one!” My son held the gift close to his chest. He raced from display to display to find the perfect gift. “I want to get him this too. And this.” “Well, it’s not in your budget, so choose just one.” The assistant stocking the shelves glanced over her shoulder with […]