Do you want the bad news or the good news?

Every day the media takes an opportunity to stir up our outrage. Hate. It’s all over the news. Every crime they paint with the brush of hate. They tell us something must change. The hashtags begin calling for a movement of ending hate.

My heart breaks over hate. But my heart also breaks over the idol of social justice and the lack of truth being spread from the mouths of the ones who have the answer for the cries of the human heart.

Conspiracy Captive to Prisoner of Hope

Conspiracies abound.

The era is upon us where anyone can make a video or post of anything they want. Many of these claim a special knowledge from God or a secret insider knowledge they want to enlighten the world with. This knowledge becomes both captivating and addictive. Thus, we must fine tune our discernment radars.

After the inauguration, I began to see videos circulating claiming “It’s not over yet.” Looking back over the past several months, I noticed a similar theme running through social media threads. Conspiracies and internet rumors about the pandemic, child pornography rings, child sacrifices, political party coups, and the list goes on. My intrigue was piqued because I saw something within the human heart worth exploring.

Join me for a today’s full post where I share how to have hope and peace in a world filled with mysteries and conspiracies.

Get Specific With God

How specific do you get with God? I lean in the direction of broader prayers. However, I’m growing and desire to become more specific with God. I believe when we narrow our prayers, we see the movements of God with greater clarity. He’s always moving, yet we often miss it. I wonder if we spent more time in the details if we’d have more opportunities to see His amazing works.

Join me for today’s meditation.

On Forgiveness and Integrity

Today I share posts I’ve shared on social media this week. On Forgiveness The enemy, the accuser, stands to remind us of all our past sins so that we bow down under the weight of shame and guilt. But God, full of full send forgiveness, stands on our behalf and says, “Forgiven. Forgiven because of […]

The Holy Ground You Stand On Each Day

“I move away from the windows to stand in my living room, the one where I spend many hours each day. But this moment is different than many others; in this moment I’m aware that I am standing on holy ground – right within the walls of my own home, the world in which I […]

It takes weakness to experience God’s strength

I stood in church and heard the Lord whisper this to me: Your greatest weakness is your strong capabilities. Ouch. Self-sufficiency. I’ve got this. I don’t need help. I will conquer this. Oh the pride. Who likes to be weak & needy? But that is right where we need to be to see the magnificent […]