Trusting God with a perfectly failed plan
Goals + Reading Goals + 100 Books That Changed Me
Think carefully about your ways
Imagine hearing these words and phrases from God. Think carefully about your ways. I am with you. Be strong. Work – For I am with you. Reflect back. Consider carefully. Consider it carefully. Would it give you pause? God speaks in His Word. I love the method Anne Graham Lotz teaches for studying God’s Word […]
When you are tired of waiting, wait for it……
A truly safe phone for kids – 24 hour deal
Once you open the door to smartphones, it’s hard to close it. Once the door is opened, you begin the process of continually learning no amount of restrictions and monitoring are effective in truly keeping our kids safe. As I’ve shared before, we’ve tried dumbed down smartphones, flip phones, iPods, and have found none to […]
A check in on the year’s goals