The Blessed Warning
We stopped at the guard shack before starting our Arizona hike. The kind couple working the gate was a wealth of knowledge. Their love for their jobs was apparent in how careful they were to inform us of all the interesting wildlife and vegetation we should expect to encounter. As the sweet lady completed highlighting […]

Silent Saturday Speaks
Jesus was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday. But Saturday happened too. On this side of the resurrection 2000 years later, we can rest on Saturday because Sunday happened. On Good Friday we rejoice because Sunday is coming. But His mother and disciples who lived on the day of waiting before Sunday arose. What […]

Let Your Kids Be Disappointed – It’s Real Life
My response to Dave Ramsey’s Waffle House Advice
I was speechless after I watched clips of Dave Ramsey speaking at Elevation Church. I’m never shocked by what I hear from the stage of Elevation anymore, but Dave surprised me. I shouldn’t be so easily surprised. Click here to watch the clip I disagree with Dave’s contempt towards leaving a gospel tract. There is […]

Testing my fruit
The Girl I Turned Away
“Not again,” I muttered as I climbed the steps to answer the door. The large tote the girl carried told me all I needed to know about the visitor. Over the last two weeks, we’ve bought several stashes of candies and cookie doughs that we certainly don’t need. The members of my family simply can’t […]