Book Release & A Little Christmas Quiz
Do you……
- Find your anxiety level rising as Christmas approaches
- Feel the commercialization overshadows what really matters
- Wish you could simplify Christmas
- Feel the hectic pace and busyness makes advent devotions impossible
- Desire to capture the true magic
- Long to create memories & traditions with depth & meaning
- Wish there was a devotion for today’s busy family
- Want more than just a devotion
- Want an experience
- Want to address all of the above AND complete half of your gift list
If you answered yes to the above, you will be excited to know my first book is being released this month!

So excited! We loved the book when our family did the “test” book.
So excited for you, Renee!! I definitely want a copy:)
I am so proud of you!!! Lots of love too Weight loss & Wellness Sent from my iPhone