Closing My Shop

I shared on social media this message:
Friends, I’m prayerfully closing my Etsy shop. One thing I’ve come to learn and trust about God is that He guides us into good places and withholds no good thing from us. I’ve learned to hold loosely to my dreams and passions and allow God to steer me along this journey of life.
I began creating scripture pillowcases when I saw my own children leaning on God’s Word in physical ways in their little years. Sleeping on Bibles, posting scripture cards around their beds and rooms. I wanted to create a way to literally rest on the Word of God. I wanted to provide tools to help others focus on God’s Word before the world with the first and last of their day.
It’s hard to remain in business as a small business. Costs continue to rise and consumers can only pay so much for gift items. At the same time, the Lord has opened new adventures for me in this season. I’ve said it before, but if we look at life through seasons, it changes how we see the big picture. I’m grateful for the season of owning and running an online gift shop. It was a small childhood dream the Lord allowed me to experience. And I’m so grateful.
All items are clearanced while supplies last. Stock up and kindly share
. I’m so grateful for you 

You can shop at this link: