New Scripture Pillowcases For Kids
I’m so excited to share my newest pillowcase designs for kids. Well, adults may enjoy them as well, but I had boys and girls in mind when creating these.
My best seller for kids pillowcases to date is Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.”
The fact is, we all find ourselves afraid at various points in our lives. I want children to grow up knowing in the deepest part of their heart that the God who made them desires they never be afraid because they’ve learned to trust in Him.
I’ve always put scripture around my home so my family can be reminded constantly about what is true. I’ve created scripture pillowcases as a beautiful, tangible way to put scripture before our eyes when we first wake and before we finally drift off for the night.
We need to be reminded we have nothing to fear.
Start your Christmas shopping early for all the boys and girls on your list. Shop my Etsy Shop here.