The Holy Ground You Stand On Each Day
“I move away from the windows to stand in my living room, the one where I spend many hours each day. But this moment is different than many others; in this moment I’m aware that I am standing on holy ground – right within the walls of my own home, the world in which I live, move, work, and breathe.
This holy ground is ordinary, yet it’s not. It’s quiet. It’s sacred. Standing barefoot on this ground, I am in awe of His wonder. I’m silenced by His Presence. I’m stilled by the realization that while I sleep, He moves. While I dream, He creates. I stand in the place of ordinary. His whisper reminds me it is holy ground.
My ordinary, His holy. I see ordinary. He sees holy.
Seeing the ordinary of day in and day out dulls my senses to His holiness. I need to see that my ordinary ground is anything but ordinary. It is holy.”
Exodus 33:7-11 we see Moses pitching a tent and meeting the Lord. Fascinating.
“The Lord would speak to Moses face-to-face, as one speaks to a friend.”
“Moses entered his ordinary tent with complete awareness that it was anything but ordinary. An ordinary tent became holy ground because the Lord was there with Moses face-to-face.”
“We stand on holy ground every day and yet we don’t always recognize it. It’s time we realize these holy ground places into which God invites us to truly know Him and remove our shoes. We have walked too long in the shoes of who we think God is, who the world has told us he is, or who we have created him to be. May we ask him to illuminate our hearts and minds with his word.”
Excerpts from Illuminate-Seeing God by the Light of His Word, Renee Robinson. A 14 day audio devotional to help you see God with fresh eyes.