Would a $50 gift card kickstart summer for you?
As a grand opening of sorts for Barefoot Walks, I will be giving away a $50 American Express gift card to a lucky commenter. Use it to bless someone in your life, use it for a family vacation or outing, use it however you desire.
What is Barefoot Walks you ask? Step on over to the menu pages at the top of the page to read About Me, Why Barefoot Walks, and Traditions.
Barefoot Walks is all about the journey to create moments, memories, experiences, and traditions with your family. It’s about recognizing the moments that are right before our eyes. It’s reaching out and grabbing them before they slip away. It is a journey, a walk, we can take together to inspire and encourage one another. It’s a step at a time.
This walk is not just for those of us in the child rearing stage of life or just those of us with children. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, empty nesters, we want you to take this walk with us. This stroll is for anyone who desires to create moments, create memories, capture hearts, and invest in the lives of the ones they love. When you invest this time, you are providing security, stability, acceptance, and strength to the individual, which they will carry on to their own families one day.
Barefoot Walks is an attempt to help you (and me) focus on the joy in the moments we are given. Focusing on the simple things, the beautiful things this life has to offer. Joy is all around us. Joy is a choice. Even when life looks messy, beauty is there, waiting to be discovered beneath the mess, dusted off, and beheld. You will be my accountability partner. I promise to be genuine, truthful, and authentic with you. I can’t write from the heart if I’m not living it out. I fail time after time. I mess up constantly. Thankfully, there is grace and mercy from our Heavenly Father. And though I feel unworthy and ill-equipped to write or to inspire, the Lord has laid it on my heart.
Through Barefoot Walks I hope to encourage you in your quest to spend time with your loved ones. Therefore, I vow not to post something that will take you 30 minutes to read. I will not fill your inbox with more resources than you have time to muddle through. I want you living, experiencing, creating, loving, and making the most of every single moment our Lord gives us. I will try not to post more than twice a week, unless you beg for more of course 🙂
My prayer is that my blog will not become a distraction to your moments.
So, let’s take a little barefoot walk together, shall we? Each step along our walk leaves a footprint. Our footprints create a path to a legacy. When we reach our destination, we can look back on the richness of the moments in our past with a sense of peace and satisfaction rather than regrets and sadness.
It’s never too late to start your barefoot walk. Let me repeat: It is never too late. Even if you have adult children. Even if you have grandkids. It doesn’t matter. We all have moments in our life to behold. We all have people who love us and we love back.
Ok, so let’s kick it off. Here is the nitty-gritty:
In order to qualify you must : leave a comment AND include which of the following you participated in with link backs. If you do all, you increase your chances!
- Post on your Facebook page and become a friend
- Tweet this and follow me on Twitter
- Pin this on Pinterest
- Subscribe to BW via email subscription
- Post on your own blog with a link back to Barefoot Walks
- Send an email to your friends sharing Barefoot Walks
- Be the second to comment and you are entered for 2 chances (my comment doesn’t count 🙂
- Be the last to comment and you are entered for 2 chances
You can leave your comment on any post I’ve posted or any page (About Me, Why, etc). You can leave any comment you like or you can comment on your favorite summer memory or tradition to this post. Don’t forget to include which of the above you participated in with the links.
How many chances in all could you potentially have? 8!! Comments must be submitted by 11:59pm Thursday night. Winner announced on Friday.

LOVE your new blog, Renee! What precious memories your grandfather instilled in you – and what a legacy he left behind! I shared on my fb page 🙂 I hope friends of mine visit your page and get encouraged to begin traditions with their own families 🙂
I pinned! http://pinterest.com/siblack1/parenting/
Thank you, Susan!! Hope you guys are doing great and enjoyed your date night 🙂 You were the first commenter :))
love it, love it, love it!! i am putting it on my fb page now, and plan to send it to my friends. i know they will love it too! as always, i am SO proud of you 🙂 this blog is beautiful and i know it will help families so much. xo- steph
Bless you and your family Renee for an amazing adventure we will be on through this thing we call “life.” I am mot a facebooker, or pinterest viewer, but all of that is soon to change. I would love to support such a postive message being fueled through the internet, for we don’t have many chances in life to make a difference. You are really making a diffderence and should be proud of yourself! God Bless, Kiani
Renee I am very proud you have made your insights available to the rest of the world outside your home. I have already benefited from our friendship by hearing your stories of family and home. I really look forward to meeting your husband and sharing our joint interest in MMA. I believe that this is first of many informative, helpful and inspiring blogs. Keep planing and organizing and developing. There is much to be done and there is much you can share…
I am mad that I was not the 2nd to comment:(( I emailed my contact list!
I added Barefoot Walks as a friend on fb and I pinned on pinterest. I also subscribed! Love your new blog!!
Love your new website!! I’ll be sure to friend you on fb and get word out! 🙂
Hi Renee,
I”m new at this comment stuff 🙂 This looks like its going to be a great little reminder for me…to remember the little things! Thank you and it looks great.
You are always an encouragement to me. Thank you for your constant support. Much love!!
Thank you, Kiani, for your sweet words of encouragement. Don’t feel bad about not being on the social media sites. I’m not on FB personally either, but realized it is a great tool to try to send a positive message out hopefully 🙂
Thank you, Charles. It has been a blessing getting to know you. You are an inspiration to me for all your work with http://www.mercymovement.com. Thank you for your passion and dedication to ending human trafficking. Steve is equally excited to meet you and talk MMA 🙂
Hey, it’s understandable considering you are homeschooling, running a business, and running a farm. I’m sure you were busy creating lots of “moments”! Didn’t expect you to be the 2nd commenter 🙂 Thanks for spreading the word for me!
You rock! Thank you for your support and spreading the word for me. Love you! Renee
Thanks so much, Isabel!
Hi Caryn! Thanks for the comment! Hope you guys are doing great!!
Love what u r doing! I will share on FB. Best of luck!
Thank you, Michelle!!
Great blog! Spending time with family and creating memories that our children will cherish forever is so important! I know that I often get caught up in how busy life is and I need to take the time to slow down. I am guilty of telling Owen that I will play with him in a little bit bc we have errands to run, a house to clean, and the list goes on and on. One of my favorite quotes that I remind myself of often is “I hope my children look back on today and see a mother who had time to play. There will be years for cleaning and cooking, for children grow up when we’re not looking.”
I find myself in the same situations. There is so much to get done, so many plates to juggle, and before we know it the time is gone. I love that quote. What a great reminder! I’m very convicted of this when I hear my children say things like, “Mom won’t be happy if …” and it is in reference to something to have to clean up! I hope they don’t see me clean more than play 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
How sweet!!I think this is blog is such a sweet thing! Cant wait to hear more, I think I will link you on my blog. Its hard for us busy moms to keep up sometimes :)!!
As I head into my first summer with my girls (eeee!) I am constantly thinking about ways to create memories and traditions to redeem their past wounds. Thank you for the reminder to parent with intention. Your new blog looks really great! I shared it on pinterest and facebook, sent an email to my friends and subscribed to the feed. love, jen hunt
Just being your mother I already won my prize, I asked God for two daughters, my reasoning was so you would grow up loving each other,be each others friend, and your children would also know that love.
Well by 6 and 4 I realized after one afternoon of fighting, hair pulling, door slamming, as serious as I could be I got both you and Amber and sat you down. And with all the wisdom of a young mother I said Renee I had Amber so you would have a best friend , and you were of higher intelligence of most 6 yr olds you looked right back at me ‘ and said didn’t you make a mistake’!
No I can say God never makes mistakes, I have 2 beautiful gifted God loving daughters, 2 wonderful Son Inlaws, and the best six grandchildren. So from one Mother to another You Go Girl!! I Love You Mom
Way to go Renee! This is inspiring and I’m excited to follow your new blog.
Thanks, Rebecca! AI’m excited to get to spend more time together this summer with you!!
Thank you, Jen so much! I really appreciate your support to get the word out. I know you are so excited for a wonderful summer with your girls. It will be a sweet time, and your girls are the luckiest girls in the world to have you!!!
Thanks, Jess! Yes, it is so hard to keep up. Hopefully, this blog will help us all slow down and enjoy what is most important while we can!! Thanks for the comment and sharing my blog!
Thanks! I love you too.
Hi Renee…love the new website and I’ll forward it to friends! Thanks for making this site possible!!! What a blessing!
Thanks, Nanette! I appreciate the support!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new blog! And I love you!!! Keep using your gifts and loving your sweet family so well!
Thank you, Heather!! And I love you…and miss you!! Steve loved seeing Chris tonight. Can’t wait for your visit!
This a wonderful website! I just love the name, and I can’t wait to read more traditions.