Entries by Renee

When You Are In Need of a Simple Smile

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 After days and days of rain, we are in the land of sunshine now. I forget how grateful I am for simple pleasures until they are removed. It’s been weeks since I’ve gone for a run. Partly because of the […]

Mom, you are always on your phone!

Steve and I stumbled across videos from when Jacob and Zachary were about 1 and 3. We both sat mesmerized by the videos not believing how quickly the time has gone by and fully aware it will not slow down. Afterwards we found ourselves struck by the same observation. He and I were 100% in […]

Why Looking Back Might Move Us Forward

There was a time I thought I wanted the furniture in my home to stay pristine and beautiful, unmarred, scratch-free. I wanted my house to sparkle and shine.   Gently over time, God began to show me my most beautiful pieces are the ones that bear the greatest scars for they have the most interesting […]

Are You Ready To Pick Up Your Pace?

It’s a new season in our home. A new season in more ways than one. Only Andrew is playing baseball this fall. Zachary is waiting to start a sport when schedules for his brothers slow in October (this child is a gift to us in his selflessness). Jacob is trying a new sport. Cross country. […]