Why Looking Back Might Move Us Forward
There was a time I thought I wanted the furniture in my home to stay pristine and beautiful, unmarred, scratch-free. I wanted my house to sparkle and shine.
Gently over time, God began to show me my most beautiful pieces are the ones that bear the greatest scars for they have the most interesting stories to tell.
He began to show me that the chips actually add to the outer beauty and that magazine perfection is overrated.
The pieces of furniture in my home that look perfect are pretty boring. They hold no stories and tell no secrets. While they are nice to look at, there is nothing beyond what meets the eye.
But the ones dinged and scratched? Well, pull up a chair, preferably the one with the cracked spindle or the stained cushion. These are the ones that tell a story you will want to hear.
These stories are important. Remembering reminds us of who God is and what He’s done. Remembering takes intention. Remembering will unlock what needs to be unlocked.
Often we talk about moving forward requires we stop looking back. While there is a lot of truth in that statement, looking back can at times be the very thing that draws us closer to God. Looking back reminds us of who God is. While our stories won’t be perfect, we are reminded through them of a God who is.
Would you join me at The Kingdom Life Now where I’m sharing the power of looking back?
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